special purpose vehicles

Practical. Advanced. tailor-made.

Mobile Laboratories

With 600 kilometer range the Mobile Lab integrated in the modular, electric Eurabus 3.0 Series drives you easily and silent into the future of health care. A battery capacity of up to 773 kWh guarantees full electric power in all conditions.

Mobile Banks

Getting cash everywhere: Easy to achieve with our amored, mobile banks. With encrypted sattelite connection bank data is transferred safely and fast. B3 to B7 amoring levels and an independent electricity system guarantee maximum protection.

Cash-In-Transit Vehicles

Since the existence of the Euracom Group Cash-In-Transit Vehicles were a main cornerstone of its history. Throughout the last three decades we exported more than 500 CIT vehicles. This experience enabled us to figure out what makes a reliable Cash-In-Transit Vehicle that can lastingly prevail under precarious circumstances.

Until protection class VPAM 7.


Tel. +49 (30) 9210907 – 60

Rapsweg 23, 12683 Berlin, Germany
